
Guest lecture

October 1st, 2013 from 10 to 12 a.m.

Solki (CALS) Seminar room (YoT 224), University of Jyväskylä

Ana Llinares (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): The different roles of language in CLIL

Guest lectures

May 22nd, 2013 from 1 to 4 p.m.

Solki (CALS) Seminar room (YoT 224)

Ute Smit (University of Vienna) and Emma Dafouz (Complutense University of Madrid): ”Road-Mapping”:  A Conceptual  Framework for English-Medium Teaching and Learning at University Level

As members of the ConCLIL project (Language and Content Integration: Towards a Conceptual Framework), we will discuss a proposal for a theoretical framework for describing and analyzing English-Medium Instruction (EMI) at universities. Given the growing relevance of internationalization across universities worldwide, and more specifically in Europe (EHEA), the roles of English within academia have expanded towards wider educational uses (i.e. language of instruction, assessment, publication, communication in multilingual groups, etc.).  As a result, considerable attention has been paid to English-medium policies and practices from various research perspectives. However, most studies have largely remained situation-specific in the sense that they describe a particular setting and adopt a concrete research stance without addressing the multi-layered complexities of EMI.  What is therefore needed, we wish is to argue, is a conceptual framework that will encompass the different dimensions operating dynamically across contexts.  In this talk, we will present our rationale and theoretical underpinnings for the “Road-Mapping” framework and its components hoping to engage in fruitful discussion with our colleagues.

Emma Dafouz: The impact of EMI (English-Medium Instruction) on business students’ performance in Spain: A comparative study

Set within the EMI educational context referred to in the previous talk, this session aims to present the findings of an empirical study examining the effect that the teaching of a BA degree in English as a foreign language may have on Spanish students’ academic performance (as measured through coursework and final grades), when compared to their counterparts’ learning in Spanish. Students’ results were analysed in three different disciplinary subjects and treated statistically. Findings show that both cohorts obtain similar results, suggesting that the language of instruction does not seem to compromise students’ learning of academic content. Differences, however, are found regarding learners’ performance in the three disciplinary subjects under scrutiny, with Economic History yielding slightly higher results than Accounting and Finance. This finding runs counter to the general belief that the more verbal subjects, like History, would have a “limiting” effect on EMI students’ final performance and, moreover, raises questions concerning disciplinary differences and assessment.  As in talk 1, comments and observations will be very welcome!

ConCLIL Research Seminar (available on video)
February 12, 2013 at 12 to 3 p.m.
Lyhty building, The University of Jyväskylä

12.15–12.35 Tarja Nikula (University of Jyväskylä):
Conceptualizing CLIL: introducing the ConCLIL project

12.35 – 13.15 Christiane Dalton-Puffer (University of Vienna):
Conceptualizing the “I” in CLIL via cognitive discourse functions

13.15–13.55 Ute Smit (University of Vienna):
Integrating Content and English as a Lingua Franca (ICELF): on an implicit approach to
English-medium teaching in higher education

13.55–15 General discussion

Guest lecture

Francisco Lorenzo, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla
Three stages in the making of a CLIL History course: school genre map, lesson planning and material development.

Wednesday September 19th,2012 at 14.15-16 (Solki YoT 224)

The lecture will give an account on how to move forward once a school, department or individual teacher has decided to put together a CLIL History course. Special attention will be devoted to some difficult aspects of CLIL implementation like school coordination, language adjustments in CLIL materials, and integration of content and language in lesson plans. All theoretical issues will be exemplified with practical solutions as provided by CLIL teachers themselves.

Guest Lecture

Dr. Patricia Frances Moore, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla
Exploring oracy in CLIL 

Soveltavan kielentutkimuksen keskuksen ConCLIL-hankkeen vieraileva tutkija, tohtori Patricia Frances Moore Pablo de Olavide -yliopistosta, Sevillasta pitää luennon Exploring oracy in CLIL suullisen kielitaidon tutkimuksesta CLIL-opetuksessa keskiviikkona 9.5. klo 12 – 14 Solkin seminaarihuoneessa (YoT224). Luennon jälkeen on tilaisuus keskusteluun. Opiskelijat, tutkijat ja muu henkilökunta ovat lämpimästi tervetulleita!

A visiting researcher of the ConCLIL-project at the Centre for Applied Language studies, Dr Patricia F. Moore from Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla gives a lecture on Exploring oracy in CLIL on Wednesday, May 9th 2012 at 12 to 2 p.m. in seminar room YoT 224 (building Y). There will be time for discussion after the lecture. Students, researchers and staff are warmly welcome!

Lisätietoja/For more information:


(Language and content integration: towards a conceptual framework, the Academy of Finland)
TheUniversity of Jyväskylä, Agora Gamma on Feb 1st 2012, at 12 to 4 p.m., open to public


12:00 Opening, Tarja Nikula

12:10-12:25 Pat Moore: CLIL content teachers and material development

12:30-12:45 Tom Morton: Teachers’ practical knowledge in CLIL: the roles of language

12:50-13:05 Emma Dafouz Milne: Integrating content and language in higher education – developing a conceptual framework for lecturer support

13:10-13:25 Ute Smit: ILCHE in the making – the theoretical impact and methodological need of longitudinal research

13:30-13:55 Coffee break

13:55-14:10 Ana Llinares: The role of interpersonal language in CLIL

14:15-14:30 Tarja Nikula: On the traces of subject-specific language use: a look at CLIL group work situations on subject-specific language

14:35-14:50 Christiane Dalton-Puffer:Language functions and genres in CLIL

14:55-15:10 Francisco Lorenzo: The development of academic literacy in bilingual settings: a corpus-based research on the rise of subordination in CLIL

15:15-16:00/ 16:15 Open discussion

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