Presentations & publications


Barwell, R. 2013. Formal and informal language in mathematics classroom
interaction: a dialogic perspective. Proceedings of 37th conference of the
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME),
vol. 2, pp. 73-80.

Barwell, R. 2012. How language shapes learners’ opportunities to learn.
In Tso, T-Y. (Ed.) Proceedings of 36th conference of the International
Group for the Psychology of Mathematics
Education (PME), vol. 1, pp. 95-100.

Bonnet, A. & Dalton-Puffer, C. 2013. Great Expectations?  Competence and standard related questions concerning CLIL moving into the mainstream. In Breidbach S. & Viebrock, B. (eds.) CLIL in Europe: Research perspectives on policy and practice, Frankfurt etc.: Peter Lang, 269-284.

Bovellan, E. 2014. Teachers’ beliefs about learning and language as reflected in their views of teaching materials for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). University of Jyväskylä: Jyväskylä Studies in Humanities 231. Dissertation.

Dafouz, E. and Smit, U. (under review) Towards a dynamic conceptual framework for English medium education in multilingual university settings.

Dalton-Puffer, C. 2013. Diskursfuntionen und generische Ansätze. In Hallet, W. & Königs F. (eds.) Handbuch Bilingualer Unterricht / Content and Language Integrated Learning. Seelze: Klett Kallmeyer, 138-145.

Dalton-Puffer, C. & Smit, U. 2013. Content-and-language integrated learning: a research agenda.  Language Teaching 46.4 (to appear)

Dalton-Puffer, C. 2013. A construct of cognitive discourse functions for conceptualising content-language integration in CLIL and multilingual education. European Journal of Applied Linguistics 1(2), 1-38.

Dalton-Puffer, C. & Nikula, T. 2014 (Eds) Special issue: Content and language integrated learning. The Language Learning Journal, vol. 42, No. 2.

Dalton-Puffer, C., Llinares, A., Lorenzo, F. & Nikula, T. 2014. “You Can Stand Under My Umbrella”: Immersion, CLIL and Bilingual Education. A Response to Cenoz, Genesee & Gorter (2013). Applied Linguistics 2014: 35/2: 213-218.

Falcón, E. & Lorenzo, F (in press)  Development of L1 and L2 complex syntax in bilingual settings (CLIL). A case study. Spanish original title: El desarrollo de la sintaxis compleja en L1 y L2 en entornos bilingües (CLIL). Un estudio de casos. Procedia .

Hüttner, J. & Dalton-Puffer, C. 2013. Der Einfluss subjektiver Sprachlerntheorien auf den Erfolg der Implementierung von CLIL Programmen. In Breidbach S. & Viebrock, B. (eds.) CLIL in Europe: Research perspectives on policy and practice, Frankfurt etc.: Peter Lang, 129-144.

Hüttner, J., Dalton-Puffer, C. & Smit, U. 2013. The Power of Beliefs: Lay Theories and their Influence on the Implementation of CLIL Programmes. International Journal of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education 16(3), 267-284.

Jakonen, T. & Morton, T. 2013. Epistemic Search Sequences in Peer Interaction in a Content-based Language Classroom. Applied Linguistics 2013. Advance access

Jakonen, T. (forthcoming) Building bridges – How secondary school pupils bring their informal learning experiences into a Content and Language Integrated (CLIL) classroom. Apples – Journal of Applied Language Studies.

Llinares, A. & Lyster, R. (forthcoming) The influence of context on  patterns of corrective feedback and learner uptake: A comparison of  CLIL and immersion classrooms. Language Learning Journal.

Llinares, A. & Pastrana, A. (forthcoming) CLIL students? pragmatic  development across classroom activities and educational levels.  Journal of Pragmatics.

Llinares García, A. & Morton, T. (2012) Social perspectives on interaction and language learning in CLIL classrooms. In Alcón Soler, E. & Safont Jordá. P. (eds.) Discourse and learning across L2 instructional contexts. Amsterdam: Rodopi

Llinares, A., Morton, T. & Whittaker, R. 2012. The Roles of Language in CLIL. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Llinares, A. & Whittaker, R. 2011. Functions of language in CLIL secondary classes: a systemic functional approach. In Escobar, C & Nussbaum, L. (eds.) Aprendre en una altra llengua / Learning in a Different Language/ Aprender en otra lengua. Bellaterra: Servei de publicacions de la Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, 141-164

Lorenzo, F. 2013. Genre-based curricula: multilingual academic literacy in content and language integrated learning. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 2013. Vol. 16, No. 3, 375–388

Lorenzo, F. & Rodríguez, L. ( in press): Onset and expansion of L2 cognitive academic language proficiency in bilingual settings: CALP in CLIL.  System.

Moore, P. (in press) The Development of Interactive Competences in European Bilingual Education. In.Stanczyk, J. (ed.) Dydaktyka jezykowa a kompetencje ogolne (Competences in Language Teaching) Société Polonaise de Langues Vivantes: Bydgoszcz, Poland.

Moore, P. and Lorenzo, F. (in press) Task-based Learning and CLIL Materials Design. Language Learning Journal.

Nikula, T. 2012. On the role of peer discussions in the learning of subject-specific language use in CLIL. In E. Alcón & M. P. Safont (eds.), Discourse and language learning across L2 instructional contexts. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 133-153.

Nikula, T., Llinares, A. & Dalton-Puffer, C. 2013. European research on CLIL classroom discourse. International Journal of Immersion and Content Based Edcuation 1 (1), 70-100.

Morton, T. 2012. Teachers’ knowledge about language and classroom interaction in Content and Language Integrated Learning. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Departamento de Filología Inglesa.

Skinnari, K. 2012. “Tässä ryhmässä olen aika hyvä” Ekologinen näkökulma kielenoppijaidentiteetteihin peruskoulun viidennen ja kuudennen luokan englannin opetuksessa. Jyväskylä Studies in Humanities 188.

Smit, U. 2013. Learning affordances in ‘ICELF’ (Integrating Content and English as a lingua franca): on an implicit approach to English medium teaching. Journal of Academic Writing 3(1): 15-30

Whittaker, R., Llinares, A. & McCabe, A. 2011. Written discourse
development in CLIL at secondary school. Language Teaching Research
(Special Issue: Content-based Language Teaching) 15 (3): 343-362.


Jakonen, T. 2014. Classroom learning as finding solutions to knowledge gaps. Paper presented at AILA World Congress, Brisbane, August 15.

Nikula, T. & Moore, P. 2014. Translanguaging in content and language integration. Paper presented at AILA World Congress 2014, Brisbane, August 13.

Dafouz, E., Hüttner, J., Nikula, T. & Smit, U. 2014. English medium instruction (EMI) as a route to disciplinary language: university teachers’ beliefs. Paper presented at AILA World Congress 2014, Brisbane, August 13.

Dafouz, E. & Smit, U. 2014. A dynamic conceptual framework for English medium education across diverse multilingual university settings. Paper presented at AILA World Congress 2014, Brisbane, August 12.

Dalton-Puffer, C. & Llinares, A. 2014. The interpersonal function of language in CLIL (INTER-CLIL). Paper presented at AILA World Congress 2014, Brisbane, August 12.

Llinares, A. & Nikula, T. 2014. Teachers’ and students’ evaluative practices in CLIL whole-class discussions: a study across European contexts. Paper presented at AILA World Congress 2014, Brisbane, August 12.

Morton, T. & Jakonen, T. 2014. Knowledge as social interaction across CLIL contexts. Paper presented at AILA World Congress 2014, Brisbane, August 12.

Skinnari, K. 2014. European CLIL teachers’ identities and beliefs about integration. Paper presented at AILA World Congress 2014, Brisbane, August 12.

Barwell, R. 2014. A Bakhtinian perspective on language and content integration: Encountering the alien word in second language mathematics classrooms. A paper presented at Sociolinguistic Symposium 20 language/ time/ space, Jyvaskyla, June 17.

Dafouz, E., Hüttner, J. & Smit, U. 2014. University teachers’ beliefs on the roles of languages in higher education. A paper presented at Sociolinguistic Symposium 20 language/ time/ space, Jyvaskyla, June 17.

Llinares, A. 2014. The language of evaluation in the CLIL classroom: Integrating SFL and pragmatic approaches. A paper presented at Sociolinguistic Symposium 20 language/ time/ space, Jyvaskyla, June 17.

Moore, P. & Nikula, T. 2014. Translanguaging in CLIL: A multilingual repertoire take on classroom practices. A paper presented at Sociolinguistic Symposium 20 language/ time/ space, Jyvaskyla, June 17.

Morton, T. & Jakonen, T. 2014. The interactional management of knowledge in CLIL classrooms: Implications for content and language integration. A paper presented at Sociolinguistic Symposium 20 language/ time/ space, Jyvaskyla, June 17.

Skinnari, K. & Bovellan, E. 2014. CLIL teachers’ beliefs about integration of content and language and their professional identities: Teacher perspectives from Austria, Finland and Spain. A paper presented at Sociolinguistic Symposium 20 language/ time/ space, Jyvaskyla, June 17.

Jakonen, T. 2014. Novices and experts: Students’ embodied and artefactual resources for managing knowledge in a content-based language. A paper presented at Sociolinguistic Symposium 20 language/ time/ space, Jyvaskyla, June 16.

Jakonen, T. 2014. Managing knowledge through gesture and embodiment in a content-based language classroom. Paper presented at AILA-Europe Junior Researcher Meeting in Applied Linguistics, Jyvaskyla, Finland, May 12.

Skinnari, K. 2014. CLIL teachers’ agency and professional identity in three European contexts. Paper presented at AILA-Europe Junior Researcher Meeting in Applied Linguistics, Jyväskylä, Finland, May 12.

Bovellan, E. & Skinnari, K. 2014. How are Finnish and Austrian school teachers’ beliefs about language teaching and learning in CLIL reflected in their accounts of integration? Paper presented at AILA CLIL ReN Symposium, Seville, Spain, April 5.

Moore, P: 2014. The effects of CLIL on L1 Teaching and Evaluation. Paper presented at AILA CLIL ReN Symposium, Seville, Spain, April 5.

Morton, T. & Llinares, A. 2014. The interpersonal function of language as an index of content achievement in CLIL: a longitudinal corpus study. Paper presented at AILA CLIL ReN Symposium, Seville, Spain, April 5.

Dafouz, E. & Smit, U. 2014. A sociolinguistic examination of the multifaceted roles of English in English-medium instruction in multilingual university settings: A European perspective. Paper presented at AESLA XXXII International Congress “Language Industries and Social Change”, Seville, Spain, April 4.

Llinares, A. & Dalton-Puffer, C. 2014. Task-based learning as a catalyst for CLIL students’ use of interpersonal language. Paper presented at AESLA XXXII International Congress “Language Industries and Social Change”, Seville, Spain, April 4.

Moore, P. & Casal, S. 2013. Integrating Skills within a genre-based approach. Paper presented at Dissemination Conference: Comenius project – Teacher Learning for European Literacy/ Tel4ELE, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Oct 17-19.

Llinares, A. 2013. The different roles of language in CLIL.  October 1, 2013. A guest lecture at the University of Jyväskylä.

Morton, T. & Jakonen, T. 2013. Epistemic search sequences in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) classroom interaction. Paper in conference Thinking, Doing, Learning: Usage Based Perspectives on Second Language Learning. Odense, Denmark.

Skinnari,K. & Kangasvieri, T. 2013. Kielet ja kielenopetus tulevaisuuden koulussa (Languages and language learning in tomorrow’s school). Visioita tulevaisuuden koulusta -seminaari (Visions of school in future). September 26, 2013. Opettajankoulutuslaitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto (Teachers’ Education Department, University of Jyväskylä).

Moore, P. & Nikula, T. 2013. Translanguaging in CLIL. Paper presented at BAAL Annual Conference, Edinburgh, September 5.-7.

Barwell, R. 2013. Formal and informal language in mathematics classroom interaction: a dialogic perspective. Paper presented at the second Mathematics Education and Contemporary Theory conference, Manchester, UK, June.

Barwell, R. 2013. The role of mathematical texts in second language mathematics classrooms. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Victoria, BC, June.

Berger, A. 2013. Mathematics learning through English – a CLIL approach. Modelling the mathematical word problem solving of CLIL students. Paper in conference Applied Linguistics Perspectives on Content and Language Integrated Learning. June 5-8, 2013. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Bovellan, E. 2013. Teachers’ views on teaching materials for Content and Language Integrated Learning. Paper in conference Applied Linguistics Perspectives on Content and Language Integrated Learning. June 5-8, 2013. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Dalton-Puffer, C. 2013. Cognitive discourse functions in CLIL classroom talk. Plenary lecture in conference Applied Linguistics Perspectives on Content and Language Integrated Learning. June 5-8, 2013. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Jakonen, T. & Morton, T. 2013. Resolving Knowledge Gaps in Small Group Interaction in a CLIL Classroom. Paper in conference Applied Linguistics Perspectives on Content and Language Integrated Learning. June 5-8, 2013. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Llinares, A. & Nikula, T. 2013. SFL and pragmatic approaches to evaluative Practices in CLIL classroom discourse. Paper in conference Applied Linguistics Perspectives on Content and Language Integrated Learning. June 5-8, 2013. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Moore, P. 2013. Creative repair strategies in CLIL learner writing. Paper in conference Applied Linguistics Perspectives on Content and Language Integrated Learning. June 5-8, 2013. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Skinnari, K. 2013. Teachers’ beliefs on integration of content and language in CLIL. Paper in conference Applied Linguistics Perspectives on Content and Language Integrated Learning. June 5-8, 2013. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Dafouz, E. 2013. The impact of EMI (English-Medium Instruction) on business students’ performance in Spain: A comparative study. May 22, 2013. A guest lecture at the University of Jyväskylä.

Smit, U. & Dafouz, E. 2013. “Road-Mapping”: A Conceptual Framework for English-Medium Teaching and Learning at University Level.  May 22, 2013. A guest lecture at the University of Jyväskylä.

Skinnari, K. 2013. CLIL-tuntien vuorovaikutus haastaa kielitaidon arvioinnin. (Interaction in CLIL lessons challenges assessment of language skills). University of Vaasa. April 26, 2013.

Dalton-Puffer, C. 2013. Conceptualizing the “I” in CLIL via cognitive discourse functions. February 12, 2013. A guest lecture at the University of Jyväskylä.

Nikula, T. 2013. Conceptualizing CLIL: introducing the ConCLIL project. The University of Jyväskylä. February 12, 2013.

Smit, U. 2013. Integrating Content and English as a Lingua Franca (ICELF): on an implicit approach to English-medium teaching in higher education. February 12, 2013. A guest lecture at the University of Jyväskylä.

Jakonen T. 2012. Resolving knowledge gaps in small groups in a bilingual classroom. Suomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistyksen (AFinLA) syyssymposium. Oulu, Suomi, 9.11.2012

Lorenzo, F. 2012. Three stages in the making of a CLIL History course: school genre map, lesson planning and material development. September 19, 2012. A guest lecture at the University of Jyväskylä.

Nikula, T. 2012. Reconceptualising language in CLIL. Paper in The 30th Jyväskylä Summer School of Applied Language Studies, Insights into applied linguistics: languaging, agency and ecologies. June 6th 2012, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

Jakonen T. 2012. Building bridges: how secondary school pupils make their informal learning relevant in a CLIL classroom. Summer School of Applied Language Studies: Insights into applied linguistics: languaging, agency and ecologies. Jyväskylä, Suomi, 5.6.2012

Moore, P. 2012. Exploring oracy in CLIL. May 9, 2012. A guest lecture at the University of Jyväskylä.

Nikula, T. 2012. What does classroom interaction reveal about language and content integration? Paper in conference CLIL 2012: from Practice to Visions. 19-21 April 2012.

Jakonen T. 2012. Samanaikaistoiminta vieraskielisessä luokkahuoneessa. XI Keskusteluntutkimuksen päivät. Oulu, Suomi, 3.2.2012, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Jakonen T. 2011. Classroom interaction, language use and learning: the case of secondary CLIL history. New Dynamics of Language Learning: Spaces and Places – Intentions and Opportunities. Jyväskylä, Suomi, 7.6.2011

Jakonen, T. 2011. Tietäjyys vieraskielisessä luokkahuonevuorovaikutuksessa. Keskusteluntutkimuksen päivät. Jyväskylä, Suomi, 21.1.2011

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